Simple Homeschool Success Tips

Simple Homeschool Success Tips

During these uncertain times, there’s definitely an abundance of homeschooling information available. This can be a good thing, for the most part, as long as you don’t get too overwhelmed with information and suffer paralysis by analysis.

There are a lot of helpful articles and tips to help you insure your homeschool success, you simply have to wade through all of the educational resources.

After 17+ years homeschooling, and reading about experiences and advice of others, here are some mostly universal homeschool success tips.

Simple Homeschool Success Tips

Homeschool Success Tips

First of all, especially if your kids are coming from a public school background, deschool.

What is deschooling?

This is an adjustment period where your understanding of, and approach to, how a child learns begins.

Learning at home is not the same as a traditional classroom. Understanding this is part of the deschooling process.

Second, have fun. Make learning fun. It should be something your kids get excited about.

And, by the way, you can enjoy learning new things with your kids too.

There is some much in this world that we cannot control, so let’s let control what we can. Having a positive attitude and approaching each and every day with a growth mindset can help you adjust.

Children will absorb your attitude and mood like a sponge, so stay upbeat and enthusiastic so that your successes reflect it.

Next, limit (or eliminate) your interruptions.

In our modern age of communication, interruptions come at you from every direction. You will need to stay focused during learning hours.

Put your phone away, close your email tab, and concentrate on teaching your children.

Make sure your family and friends know your homeschool schedule – and adhere to it! Try to keep the time you spend homeschooling your kids sacred if a stringent routine works well for you and your kids.

But, this also means you shouldn’t be a distraction to your kids either. Try to maintain an ambiance of learning in the space where your kids are studying and completing assignments.

Keep your teaching and homeschooling simple. With so much information and programs readily available to you, it’s easy to find yourself using an educational buffet of plans, educational websites and their highly recommended GRE prep courses curriculum, and approaches.

If you’re currently e-learning at home through your public school, be sure to ask questions of the teacher and learn how to use the system well. This helps make things smoother once your children sit down to login and learn.

Be flexible. If something isn’t working, be pragmatic, but not mercurial.

In fact, as a homeschooling parent, you might find that taking steps to organize and simplify your life will become necessary.

During the homeschooling year, limit your commitments and outside activities keep your life simple and you’ll be more content; and with happiness comes success.

Don’t beat yourself up over the demands of teaching your children!

Have confidence. Know that you can do it! Reward is directly related to effort.

Children learn all over the world in all kinds of environments.

Be enthusiastic with each new day, get help when you need it, stay on a path of continual improvement, and your children’s educational success will follow.

If you get stuck, pick up a book and read.

Without reading skills your children will never reach their full potential. If you’re all having an off day, simply gather some books and take some time and read. Some days there is simply nothing wrong with reading with your children.

Explore Horizons reading program success

There’s so much to be discovered within the pages of a good book.

With today’s technology, it is so easy to get in touch with a variety of invaluable resources. You should never have to go wanting for advice, answers, or just some rejuvenating conversation and reassurance.

Online there are Facebook support groups you can join. Offline, you can look for support at your church or library.

Make an effort to stay in touch and be a part of a larger community. You absolutely do not need to tackle everything solo. There is help available.

When it comes to resources, there is one out there that is often shadowed by the prevalence of the internet. The resource? Your local library.

Libraries are a tremendous resource for videos, audio tapes, learning materials for all subject matter (and of course books). If you could only pick one resource, and one resource only, choose a library.

Many libraries even have access to their books via a free mobile app that only requires the use of your library card. Not to mention, kids and teen book clubs and other activities your family can participate in.

Allow yourself, and your children, time to take breaks.

Decide which works best for each member of the family. Shorter, more frequent, day breaks? Or, less frequent, longer breaks?

Of course, the dynamics of every family is different, but if you haven’t tried this approach, perhaps it’s time you should. Everyone needs a chance to re-energize and catch up every once in a while.

If you’re new to homeschooling, you will naturally be introducing a very different, very time consuming, aspect into your family dynamics.

There will times when there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.

homeschool learning styles

This is why it is very important to stay focused and plan as best you can. Avoid any activities that eat at your time in a meaningless way.

Try to organize outside activities all into a day or two instead of spreading them out across your week. This helps to reduce the amount of constant little interruptions on a daily basis.

It’s okay if you discover that all of the above doesn’t not come together for you over night.

Don’t feel discouraged if it feels as though the adjustment period will never end. Just like anything new, it takes time! No schedule is perfect all the time, and no two schedules and organizational skills are the same.

Each child’s learning style is different, and your teaching style may need an overhaul to acclimate to their needs.

Work to sand, buff, and polish what works for you and over time you will find your stride. Hang in there.

You got this!

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