Search for Flounder and Sebastian : The Little Mermaid Toys
I have a home full (enough) of little girls. 4 daughters… 3 under the age of 9. Disney Princesses have overtaken my home. Most recently, it has been The Little Mermaid. After our Under the Sea party and Colby attending The Little Mermaid event in LA (where he met Jodie Benson), their love for Ariel has been rekindled.
The Little Mermaid
Knowing that Disney’s The Little Mermaid Collector’s Edition is coming to Blu-ray/DVD on October 1st, the girls have enjoyed prepping for its release. They have also become fascinated with YouTube. Well, our toddler wants to watch the videos and my 7 and 9 year old want to make them. When we stopped by Walmart to browse through The Little Mermaid toys, they devised a plan for a video while looking at the character playsets.
The Little Mermaid Story Set includes 7 of the main characters from the movie: Ariel, Prince Eric, Max the dog, Sebastian, Flounder, King Triton, and Ursula. Everyone they needed to reenact a few scenes from the movie.
Plus, the Kiss the Girl Play Set would allow them to move into the second part of the film with the transformed Ariel. Their little wheels were in motion as we picked out the toys and went home to set up the camera. But, not before Monkey grabbed the sets and started creating her own scenes. And how I love watching her play. Small toys like these are her very favorite.
We wanted to create a nice backdrop for their ocean scenes, but could not find corn syrup anywhere for the look we wanted? The girls then noticed that the cardboard backing of the toy had an excellent built-in beach scene. There ya go! Look at my girls being all frugal and using what we have. I must have taught them well!
They actually spent 2 days going over ideas on scenes. They practiced, they fought, they filmed outtakes. It became a great project for them and they learned much more than they initially bargained for. Teamwork was a word they had to become very familiar with once it was all said and done. Plus, they also decided to make up their own scenes rather than replicating the actual movie. I always encourage creativity and imagination.
Alas, they were able to get a fun little video put together. I helped them edit it and we were able to call it class for the day! Oh the joys of homeschooling. They tell me what they want to learn and we figure it out. This day just happened to be video production and editing. This was our finished product:
As you can see, the Flounder and Sebastian toys became the center of the search. Ariel and Prince Eric had to save them both from the evil Ursula. They had a few more scenes that did not make the cut… but I think it was not too bad for their first attempt. I am hoping it only fuels their passion to create and you can see more Adventures of Ariel videos coming soon now that everyone has made up.
As Ariel and Eric take their bow, I am off to help the girls prepare for their next video. I wonder what adventures the pair will go on next?
What type of play do the Disney Princesses encourage in your home?
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