101 Positive Affirmations for Children
Our 15 year old daughter recently went around to each bathroom in the house, the kitchen, and our office taping a list of affirmations for us all to see.
She also has positive affirmations written on Post-It notes around her bathroom mirror.
Affirmations for Children
She gets it. She understands the need to constantly remind herself of the good around her and—perhaps even more important—about her.
By using easy-to-remember positive affirmations for children, she fully understands that she can change her mindset and further work on developing a positive belief system; especially in herself.
Besides, our childhood is where we develop our thought patterns and values that will follow us through the rest of our lives. Why not give our kids a head start with confident self-worth through positive children’s affirmations?
Here are 101 positive daily affirmations for children you can print out and share with your kids, write on lunch notes, post around the house, or simply say out loud to help inspire greatness in your kids today:
- I am loved.
- I have friends who love me.
- I have the power to make my dreams true.
- No matter how hard it is, I can do it.
- There is no one better to be than myself.
- I am protected.
- I can become whatever I want to be.
- I learn from my mistakes.
- I find creative solutions to my problems.
- I have a beautiful imagination.
- I can make it through anything.
- I can spread love.
- I have courage and confidence.
- I support others with love and kindness.
- I enjoy discovering something new.
- I am in charge of my life.
- I can live in the moment.
- I matter.
- I have people who love and respect me.
- All of my problems have solutions.
- I am gifted.
- I have happy thoughts.
- It is enough to do my best.
- I am talented.
- I can change the world.
- I work hard.
- It’s okay not to know everything.
- I am persistent.
- I embrace my fears fully and calmly.
- I am capable of so much.
- If I fall, I will get back up again.
- I am my own person.
- Problems challenge me to better myself in every way.
- I choose to think positive.
- I am here for a reason.
- I am trustworthy.
- I only compare myself to myself.
- I enjoy challenging myself.
- I am loving kindness to all.
- I love my body.
- I am an amazing person.
- My emotions matter.
- I can make the right decisions.
- I am capable.
- I can make a difference.
- I am strong and determined.
- I accept and love myself.
- I am thankful for my blessings.
- I am brave.
- I have everything I need right now.
- I control my own happiness.
- I enjoy spending time with myself.
- I approve of myself.
- I am vibrant and have lots of energy.
- I am calm, relaxed, and peaceful.
- I am free to make my own choices.
- I am unique.
- I can make a difference.
- No one has the right to harm me.
- I have an incredible imagination.
- I am in control of my emotions.
- I am deserving of love, trust, and kindness.
- I have goals.
- I accept compliments graciously and openly.
- With every breath, I feel stronger.
- I deserve to be loved.
- I am fearless.
- No one is more me than I am.
- I am beautiful inside and out.
- I have many gifts and talents.
- I choose to forgive others for mistakes they have made.
- I have inner beauty.
- I trust my intuition.
- I deserve all the good things.
- I know I am powerful.
- I will succeed.
- I can do more than I believe.
- I am worthy.
- I trust the wisdom in me.
- I radiate love and compassion.
- I am courageous even when things are unknown to me.
- I am building my future.
- I am surrounded by love.
- My intuition is a guide showing me the right direction.
- I can take it one step at a time.
- I trust in my decisions.
- I accept myself for who I am.
- I am my own hero.
- Whatever I do, I’ll give my best.
- I have the courage to be myself.
- I stand up for what I believe in.
- I am becoming the best version of myself.
- I am an achiever.
- I take care of my responsibilities.
- I listen to my heart.
- I am a good influence on others.
- Everything I do matters.
- I am open to new and exciting possibilities.
- I believe in my dreams.
- I am strong and determined.
- I am enough.
There are so many more that could be added to this list! It is in no way exhaustive. Have your children help come up with more positive affirmations for kids.
Think of situations they have faced in the past or are currently facing now. What kind of simple affirmations for children would have helped or could help in the future?
It doesn’t have to be presented in long teaching affirmations. For children, the easier to remember the better. The idea is to make it simple, yet effective.
Like that last one? Number 101. “I AM ENOUGH.”
Even as adults, that is one we need to be reminded of often.
Don’t make it hard; just do it.
Click here to download the entire list in one easy-to-find daily affirmations printable you can hang up around the house!