Growing Old Together – In Honor of My Parents

Today my parents celebrate their 39th Wedding Anniversary. The times have been both good and bad, for better or worse… and more. I know because I have been there for the past 37+ years of their time together. I was born almost exactly 1 year and 5 months after they were married. My mom was a young 17 years old when they married and my dad was 21 years old.

Growing Old Together

When my dad went to ask for permission to marry my mom he was told “No” because he was the wrong color. {My dad is Mexican, my mom is white}. My grandmother and uncle said they would sign to give my mom permission and 38 years down the road and here they are. {Side note: My grandfather and dad ended up being very close friends}. Now, 3 children and 11 grandchildren later, they celebrate another year together and I am praying for many more. So, in honor of my parents, here are some great love quotes about growing old together. Happy 38th Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

For more love quotes follow my Love Is All You Need board.