Rubbermaid Mobile Organizer

Stay Organized on Road Trips with Rubbermaid

Disclosure: We help our kids stay organized on road trips with the Rubbermaid® Mobile Backseat Organizer thanks to Walmart as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #WalmartAuto. Regardless, all opinions and experiences are my own.

Family road trips are not new for us. We enjoy them and take one as often as we can. Even if it’s just for the day, it’s nice to get away for a bit. And our kids often accompany us on these trips. Or at least the youngest three do.

Boy do they bring a lot of stuff along with them! Thanks to the Rubbermaid® Mobile Backseat Organizer from Walmart we can at least help them stay organized on the road.

Rubbermaid Mobile Organizer and Trash Bin

Tips to Stay Organized

Again, this is not our first rodeo. We have been doing these types of trips in the car well before we had our oldest daughter… who is not 19.

Therefore, along the way we may have learned a trick or two to keeping us all sane.

After all, there is only so much space in a car and so much time until that space tends to get very small.

backseat organizer for car

There is a “place for everything and everything in it’s place“… especially on a road trip.

Here are a few tips to stay organized that we have found to work well:

  1. Have a plan. I know it sounds silly, but having a great plan helps hold everything together. From where you headed, stops along the way, budget, to luggage configurations. These are all best to know before you ever get in the car to leave.
  2. Allow each passenger one travel bag. The kids tend to bring books, tablet/phone, journal and schoolwork. Simple things to keep them busy on the drive. The Rubbermaid Mobile Backseat Organizer has multiple pockets to hold whatever it may be they bring. Additionally, the pockets help to maintain things in an organized manner and form areas of personal space. Essential to a long drive. Not to mention, the fold-down tray is ideal for snacks or homework on the road.  Rubbermaid Mobile Organizer
  3. Check for safety must-haves. First aid kit, jack, spare tire, mobile chargers, tools, jumper cables… anything you might need in case of an emergency car care situation on the road. Then secure them into a place that is easy accessible.
  4. Pack food. Even if you do not allow eating in the car, have snacks and drinks so that you can pull over and have a bite. Depending on how long the drive is, this could also be a nice break to stretch your legs. Plus, having food and water in the vehicle can come in handy during an emergency. Use bins or coolers to keep everything cool and together in one spot in easy reach when needed. Don’t forget the Rubbermaid Mobile Trash Bin for collecting trash on the road too!

Family road trips should be fun!

Take the stress and worry out of the drive by doing a little preparation beforehand.

personal organizer for car

Things just seem to run smoother when things are in their place, can be easily found, and everyone is organized.

At least, it works better for us that way.

What tips do you have to stay organized on road trips?