6 Things Moms Tend to Forget to Buy for Themselves 

6 Things Moms Tend to Forget to Buy for Themselves

Starting from around the time that their pregnancies loom close, expecting mothers are likely to go on frantic shopping sprees.

Many of the purchases will be for the baby’s needs, like diapers, bottles, baby food, strollers, cribs, and baby-safe car seats.

But in the haze of buying items for the baby, moms tend to forget other supplementary items for themselves.

While it’s a natural instinct to put the baby first, a mom shouldn’t forget to take care of herself and lighten the physical, mental, and emotional load that comes with childcare. 

In the mad dash to shop for your baby before you give birth, don’t forget to buy items that address your needs as well.

These include extra-comfy clothing items, items to relieve postpartum discomfort, and items to help you with everyday baby care tasks like breastfeeding.

For the inevitable times that you can’t shop for yourself, you can request your loved ones to buy these for you. Alternatively, you can list them as gift ideas for your next baby registry.

6 Things Moms Tend to Forget to Buy for Themselves 

That being said, here are the six items that moms tend to forget, but should never be without:

Maternity Bras

Around the six-week mark of your pregnancy, your breasts will start to enlarge as preparation for breastfeeding. When this happens, you shouldn’t forget to switch to bras that are specially made for nursing.

Sticking to regular-sized bras just because you already have other maternity clothes may put your body under additional strain and make it uncomfortable or painful for you to breastfeed.  

To avoid this, you need to get maternity bras that can easily stretch beyond your normal bra size and offer you the right amount of upper body support. 

Place an order for maternity bras that are one or two cup sizes larger than your regular size, or entrust bra shopping to someone who can capably do it for you.

Comfy Clothing Basics

The idea of “momming up” your wardrobe may seem expensive or unnecessary at first. But a fresh set of clothing basics can make you feel more comfortable and at ease during those first few months of motherhood.

With that in mind, it’s a good idea to buy more clothes that sport soft, stretchy material. They’ll allow you to have maximum freedom of movement, help you get adequate rest after a long day of attending to your baby, and make you look and feel good about being a mom. 

Remember to buy socks , leggings, loungewear, tunic-length tees, and other clothing basics that you can rely on during your maternity period. Don’t hesitate to request these as gifts, either. 

You’ll find out early into motherhood that you can never have enough dependable clothing basics at this stage in your life. 

Nipple Cream

Another thing that every mom should have on hand is a canister of nipple cream. Mildly formulated nipple creams, butters, and lotions will soothe some of the discomfort that you’ll feel after breastfeeding your baby, such as dry cracked skin and itching.

Shop online or at a local maternity store for nipple cream products that are made with all-natural ingredients. If you don’t know which brands to patronize, ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, or other contacts of yours who are also moms.

Reusable Breast Milk Storage Bags

For extra hectic days, it’s good for you to store at least a couple of bags of extra breast milk in the freezer.

Once you’ve accumulated enough extra milk from your breast pump, you can store it in reusable silicone bags that have been pre-sterilized after every use. Keep only small amounts of milk in each bag; between 60 ml and 120 ml should do the trick.

This will allow you to quickly and easily thaw a single bag at a time when you need to feed your baby. 

If you don’t already have breast milk bags on hand, make a note to buy a couple from the store or request some on your gift registry. Even if these aren’t top-of-mind compared to your baby’s needs, they’ll serve you well when you have them stocked.

Napkins for Padsicles

A portmanteau of the words “pad” and “popsicle,” a padsicle is a sanitary napkin that’s chilled in the freezer and worn in underwear after a vaginal delivery.

You’ll find these extra helpful for the weeks immediately succeeding childbirth, when you’re likely to feel postpartum pains, itching, or burning sensations.

Sanitary napkins may already be on your to-buy list, but it helps to get extra packs to be used exclusively as padsicles. If someone volunteers to get you maternity supplies and asks you what you need, you can tell them to buy you napkins as a quick answer.

A Pocket Nanny Device

Among the consumer technologies currently available to moms, the pocket nanny is a particularly inventive one. This neat little gadget serves as an electronic reminder tool, clock, and timer all in one.

Some parents find it extra handy to use when they’re still establishing set times and habits for feeding a new baby, giving the baby medicine, or tracking the number of hours that a baby gets to sleep. 

Of course, it’s possible to stay on top of your baby care routines with a notebook or with an app on your phone. But a dedicated pocket nanny will serve as a handy buy or a neat and thoughtful maternity gift.

Consider checking out pocket nanny devices that are available on the market, and learn how to use one for all your baby’s daily routines.

One thing that you’ll find yourself preoccupied with when you become a mom is prioritizing which items to buy and have on hand inside your home.

Admittedly, some items will take precedence over others. But more often than not, you’ll often forget to grab certain things for yourself because your mind is focused on what your baby needs.

But don’t forget to think of items that will make life more comfortable and pleasant for you as a mom. Your loved ones will also be happy to help you stock up on mom essentials, too, in case you can’t buy them yourself for any reason.

Don’t be shy about stating your needs and asking for material and financial support, both of which will go a long way for you and your baby.