5 Word Games to Play With Your Grandkids

Playing word games with your grandkids is a fantastic way to bond with them while also stimulating their minds.

Not only do these games help to develop vocabulary and language skills, but they are also fun and can create lasting memories.

In this article, we’ll talk about why it is essential to play word games but also share 5 word games to play with your grandkids that are easy to learn and will keep everyone engaged.

Why are word games good for kids?

Word games are an excellent way to encourage kids to develop their language skills while having fun at the same time.

Here are some reasons why word games are essential for kids:

  • Vocabulary development: Word games can help kids expand their vocabulary by introducing them to new words and encouraging them to use them in various contexts.As they play, they will encounter words they may not have heard before, which can help them build a richer vocabulary.
  • Spelling skills: Such games can also enable kids to improve their spelling skills. Games like Hangman and Word Scramble require players to spell words correctly, which can help them develop an understanding of word structures and spelling patterns.
  • Critical thinking: Developing critical thinking skills can be helped by word games. Games like Scrabble and Word Association require players to think strategically about the words they use and how they can be connected. This can help to improve their problem-solving and reasoning abilities.
  • Communication skills: Playing word games with others can also help kids to improve their communication skills. They will learn to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively, and they will also learn how to listen and respond to others.
  • Memory and concentration: Many word games require players to remember words and their meanings, which can help to improve memory skills. Additionally, playing word games can also help kids to improve their concentration, as they must stay focused on the game and the words they are using.

Word games to play with your grandkids

Word association

The Word Association Game is a simple yet entertaining game that can be played with two or more people.

To begin, one person starts by saying a word, and then the next person has to say a word that is associated with the first word.

This continues until someone cannot come up with a related word, at which point the game ends.

For example, if the first word is “dog,” the next person could say “puppy,” followed by “cute,” “kitten,” “furry,” and so on.

This game can be played for as long as everyone wants, and it can be adapted for different age groups by changing the difficulty level or the theme of the words used.


Scrabble is a classic board game that people of all ages have enjoyed for decades.

It involves using letter tiles to create words on a game board, with each letter having a point value based on its frequency of use in the English language.

Playing Scrabble with your grandkids is a great way to challenge them and help them develop their vocabulary and spelling skills.

It can also be a fun way to introduce them to the rules of strategy games, as players must consider their moves carefully to maximize their scores.

Games like Scrabble can be a bit challenging for younger kids. However, there are ways to help them.

They can either team up with an older kid or an adult or use tools that generate words from letters until they get the hang of the game.

Like this, they will feel more comfortable, and with time they will be able to play on their own.


Hangman is a popular word game that can be played with just a pen and paper. One person thinks of a word and then draws dashes representing each letter.

The other person then guesses letters one at a time, and for each incorrect guess, a part of a stick figure is drawn (usually starting with the head and progressing to the body, arms, and legs).

The game continues until the word is guessed correctly or the stick figure is completed, at which point the game is over.

Hangman is a fun and engaging way to practice spelling and vocabulary, and it can be adapted for different age groups by choosing appropriate words for their level.

Word scramble

Word Scramble is a game that involves rearranging letters to form words.

One person chooses a word and then jumbles up the letters. The other person then has to unscramble the letters to form the correct word.

This game is a great way to test your grandkids’ knowledge of spelling and vocabulary, and it can be made more challenging by using longer words or words with more difficult letter combinations.

It can also be played in teams, with each team trying to unscramble the word before the other.

Word chain

Word Chain is a game that involves taking turns saying words that start with the last letter of the previous word.

For example, if the first word is “cat,” the next word could be “tree,” followed by “elephant,” “turtle,” and so on.

The game continues until someone cannot come up with a word, at which point the game ends.

This game is a great way to develop vocabulary and language skills, as well as quick thinking and creativity.