Woman Wearing Brown Coat with her amrs open standing in the snow

How To Stay Healthy During Cold Winters: Top Tips And Tricks

It’s a chilly winter morning, and you find yourself sniffling and sneezing more than usual.

You wrap yourself in layers, but the cold still seems to find its way in. Sound familiar? 

For many, winter is synonymous with colds, flu, and feeling under the weather.

But what if we told you that with the right strategies, you can stay healthy and vibrant all winter long?

Woman Wearing Cashmere Nightwear Relaxing in indoor swing chair with a warm cup of coffee

Stay Healthy During Cold Winters

Winter brings its own set of challenges:

  • Shorter days
  • Freezing temperatures
  • The ever-present threat of catching a cold

But instead of dreading the cold months, let’s equip ourselves with the best tips and tricks to stay healthy and active.

Ready to conquer winter like a pro? Let’s dive in!

Dressing for the Cold: Bundle Up

Did you know that a large amount of our body heat can be lost through our head and neck if they’re not covered?

Some claim that it is 50%, but others say it is closer to 10%. Whatever the amount, it is significant! Especially during the biting cold of winter. 

Layering is not just a fashion statement; it’s a winter survival tactic!

By wearing multiple layers, you trap warm air close to your body, creating an insulation barrier against the cold. 

Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away, add an insulating layer like a sweater, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer.

Not all materials are created equal when it comes to keeping you warm. Wool is a natural insulator and can keep you warm even when wet.

Fleece is lightweight and dries quickly, making it perfect for snowy days.

And thermal wear? It’s specially designed to retain as much body heat as possible. Investing in these materials can make a world of difference.

Eat Right to Keep the Cold at Bay

Nothing beats the chill like a bowl of hot soup or stew. These warm meals are not just comforting; they can be packed with nutrients.

Using bone broth as a base provides essential minerals, and adding vegetables ensures you’re getting a dose of vitamins and antioxidants.

Oranges, spinach, and broccoli are just a few examples of foods rich in vitamins.

These help in strengthening your immune system, ensuring you’re less likely to catch a cold.

Vitamin C, in particular, is known for its immune-boosting properties, so make sure to include foods that are rich in it.

Honey has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. But not all honey is created equal; Manuka honey umf 24, for example, stands out for its unique health benefits.

Sourced from New Zealand, this honey is not only delicious but also packed with compounds that can help in wound healing, combating colds, and boosting immunity. A spoonful in your tea or just by itself can work wonders. 

Exercise: Don’t Let the Cold Stop You

Ever found yourself using the cold weather as an excuse to skip your workout? You’re not alone.

Many of us tend to hibernate during winter, but staying active is crucial, not just for our physical health but also for our mental well-being.

Just because it’s freezing outside doesn’t mean you can’t break a sweat indoors. Here are some great ways to stay active:

  • Yoga: Not only does it improve flexibility and strength, but it also helps in relaxation and stress relief
  • Dancing: Put on your favorite tunes and dance away! It’s a fun way to get your heart rate up
  • Home Workouts: There are countless online tutorials and apps that offer a range of exercises for all fitness levels

Winter offers unique opportunities to try out new sports and activities:

  • Skiing & Snowboarding: These are not just fun but also great full-body workouts
  • Ice Skating: It improves balance and strengthens the leg muscles
  • Snowshoeing: A wonderful way to explore nature and get a cardio workout

Regular exercise boosts the immune system, making you less susceptible to colds and flu.

It also releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, helping combat the winter blues.

Stay Warm This Winter With These Tips

Winter might often be painted as a season of hibernation and indulgence, but as we’ve explored, it’s also a golden opportunity to prioritize our health.

From dressing warmly to embracing winter sports, there are numerous ways to ensure we stay in top shape during the colder months.

Remember, winter is not just about staying warm; it’s about staying active, eating right, and taking care of our mental well-being.

With the tips and tricks we’ve shared, you’re now equipped to face the cold head-on, ensuring you remain healthy, happy, and vibrant.

As the snow falls and the days get shorter, let’s make a pledge: Instead of letting winter get the best of us, we’ll get the best out of winter.

Here’s to a healthier, more active cold season!