Astrology. Astrologer calculates a natal chart and makes a forecast of fate. Astrological forecast, mysticism, science. Astrological background.

Should You Plan a Family According to Zodiac Charts?

Aspiring parents tend to be sticklers for details. A wealth of information exists on how best to schedule the arrival of your little bundle of joy. This topic is infinitely more interesting for those with an active interest in astrology.

Whether your beautiful little feathered nest is attempting to conceive or you’re planning the arrival of a baby, there’s plenty to get excited about. A keen interest in astrology presents a unique angle to the family planning conundrum.

So many questions abound—when should labor be induced? Should a Cesarean section be scheduled? What months of the year should be avoided or selected? Should conception take place during a specific season or month?

Today, we will discuss important aspects of zodiac compatibility  as they pertain to your love interest and your imminent arrival.

pregnant woman standing on concrete pier over ocean

Should You Focus on the Exact Month?

Luckily, many families share these types of questions. Would you believe that many aspiring parents proactively plan for the arrival of their newborns by focusing on a specific month, knowing that 8–9 months later, a bundle of joy will arrive?

For those who emphasize the cosmological elements, the heavenly bodies, and our place in the universe, astrology is paramount. But it’s not a clear-cut path with astrology; there are many nuanced pathways to take.

If you are planning your baby’s arrival with astrology in mind, there are several important rules of thumb to follow. For one thing, expert astrologers deem playing deities concerning babies and specific star signs unwise.

We are well aware that the solar system features 12 zodiac signs. But some shifts take place, and they are slightly changeable. This means a person may fit into one star sign in one year but a different one the next.

More importantly, there is enough latitude in the term period to make it difficult, if not impossible, to accurately plan for your baby’s star sign.

Since most babies are born between 39 and 41 weeks, and just 5/100 of babies are born as expected on the due dates, there are no guarantees that the child will enter the world with the star sign of the due date.

It’s an important consideration because nature has its designs. Naturally, a newborn represents a lot more than a mere star sign.

The natal chart captures a moment in time and space, influencing the child’s life path and personality. However, the influence of the heavenly bodies is difficult to plan, given the unique patterns of movement of the orbiting moons and planets through the zodiac.

The complexities, interrelatedness, and differences between astrological signs and their influences on the destiny of newborns are part art, science, and providence.

A Baby Under the Stars 

Each star sign presents opportunities and insights. People cling to the established norms and principles associated with specific star signs like scary Scorpios, raging bull Taureans, drama-laden Pisceans, fierce Leos, etc.

Often, our encounters with other star signs are based upon our fixed placements, which create tension with others. Our birth charts encompass 12 star signs, but our placements with individual signs differ.

It’s important to peruse your natal chart to better understand the associated lessons and how specific signs impact you. Now, way before two people come together to plan a family and the arrival of a newborn, zodiac compatibility comes into play.

This is often a side issue that couples routinely point to, but it has plenty of significance. Compatibility is crucial in any union. Personality quirks, humor, empathy, physicality, and other elements are routinely scrutinized upfront.

Your horoscope is your blueprint for your relationship, helping to provide insights into behaviors, influences, trends, and likely patterns.

Various types of compatibility constitute the building blocks of families, even before babies are considered. Emotional, intellectual, and physical compatibility must be aligned to ensure comfort and satisfaction between family members.

The question is how the stars align your love compatibility, and how will this compatibility, in turn, impact the family you’re trying to build?

There are three types of signs to look out for, notably sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs, each referring to different aspects of your persona.

For example, moon signs affect the subconscious, rising signs parallel social personalities, and sun signs are self-explanatory.

Concluding Remarks 

Astrology offers a unique and mystical layer to the enchanting journey of family planning, intertwining the fate of the stars with the arrival of new life. While the cosmos provides intriguing insights, it’s crucial to remember that the natural course of life, with its unpredictable beauty, plays a paramount role. 

Embracing astrology can add depth and wonder to this journey, yet the unconditional love and acceptance of whatever the universe delivers truly create a family. As we navigate through the stars, let us cherish each moment, recognizing that while the stars may guide us, our love and unity truly shape our destinies.