
Use a Practical Savings Plan to Invest in Your Future

Thank you DiversyFund for sponsoring this post. It’s never too early to learn about investing for your future!

As our family continues to grow, with the recent birth of our second granddaughter, my husband and I find ourselves talking about the future often. We want to move into our golden years with financial stability so we can simply enjoy time with our family.

toddler and newborn baby in orange

Our son has been talking to us about investing, so we’ve begun to dig into what would work for us. Then we discovered DiversyFund.

Invest in Your Future

DiversyFund is a self-serve investment platform. Their goal is to close the wealth gap by giving the everyday investor access to the same wealth-building tools used by the 1% to create—and sustain—generational wealth.

family of 9 sunset at the lake

It’s that generational wealth that draws me to the program. After losing my mom, I realized how important it was that we leave our children with a stable financial future. 

My siblings and I spent months in probate court trying to work through my mom’s estate and debt. She’s been gone for three years and there are still unknowns associated with some of her finances.

I would like to do better work now so that my children have less concern later. 

Glacier National Park Going to the Sun Road stop

In the bigger picture though, I want to be able to focus on my future with my family. We have three children still looking at college plans, plans to travel, and the desire to simply enjoy our retirement years.

Currently, with both my husband and I being self-employed, our biggest chance at having a retirement fund is investing, such as a real estate investment trust (REIT).

After all, when you invest assets, they grow in value over time. With DiversyFund, you can get started with a minimum investment of only $500 and no management fees. For people like us, that seems incredibly manageable. 

DiversyFund generational wealth

We fully understand the need to create a stable financial future for ourselves starts with a bit of hard work and sacrifice now. Sacrifice coming in terms of living within our means and investing rather than spending. 

Honestly though, it doesn’t have to be a huge financial sacrifice. Develop a practical plan using these tips for saving and invest the money you save:

  • Change your habits – for example, instead of buying your favorite coffee every morning, cut down the days you splurge
  • Budget-friendly shopping – instead of brand names, look for store brands; shop thrift and consignment stores
  • Do your research – if you must make a large purchase, comparison shop and look for the best deals before making any impulse purchases
  • Be frugal – in addition to staying on budget and doing your due diligence, use coupons and watch for sales
  • Count your change – don’t discount your loose change; drop coins into a piggy bank and save up for your next investment 
  • Windfall income – if you come into a larger lump sum of money, for instance, an inheritance, lottery win, tax refund, turn that money around and invest it

Finally, remember to budget using your net income and keep an eye on all of your living expenses. Investing in your future doesn’t have to mean not living now.

DiversyFund offers a variety of financial literacy resources to help empower the everyday investor. People like you and me.

Find out how you can get started today with DiversyFund.