group of young people enjoying a rooftop summer party with food and drinks

Great Additions To A Summer Party Setup

Summer is a time of gathering, socializing, and enjoying beautiful weather. It should come as no surprise that summer is people’s favorite season to party.

The following will explore a few tips and tricks if you’re thinking about hosting a summer party.

group of young people enjoying a rooftop summer party with watermelon slices and pineapple

Cool Treats

Whether you lean towards drinks or snacks, make sure that your guests have what they need to keep cool. This might mean stocking up on freezies and popsicles.

It might mean finding yourself something snazzy like a Gevi countertop nugget ice maker to keep drinks full of frigid ice. It might mean making sure you’ve got coolers and a deep freezer full of sodas and water.

People quickly lose the ability to have fun when they’re too hot. 

Evening Warmth

The flip side of the above point is that even in very warm climates, it gets colder at night. If your party is going well into the evening, you want to be sure that your guests have what they need to stay cozy.

You might want to fill a few baskets with throw blankets that people can use when it gets chilly. Bonfires are also a wonderful addition to any party. Be sure to look up the fire regulations in your area before planning for a fire, though.

Depending on your climate, there might be burn bans in effect at certain times of the year. Other townships require a burn permit, which usually is quick to order and inexpensive—often something like ten dollars.

Finally, if you’re going to have a fire, be sure to follow appropriate safety precautions and have fire-taming materials like water and a fire extinguisher nearby. Don’t leave children unattended with fire.

Premade Playlists

An often innocent turn summer parties can take is the someone-pick-a-song turn. At first, this usually isn’t an issue, but slowly the evening becomes a round-robin of people choosing songs and spending their time not choosing a song, thinking about what they’re going to pick when the phone comes to them next.

Avoid this by finding or creating some stellar premade playlists. You can scour the web for samples and theme ideas and also take into account your friend group. Sometimes a 90s throwback night full of Spice Girls is exactly what the doctor ordered. 

Regular Food

This point is especially important for parties containing alcohol but is also a good idea even if people aren’t drinking. Hungry people are no fun to be around. Studies have even found that the number one indicator of whether or not a couple will get into an argument is whether they’re hungry.

Make sure that there’s new food available every few hours (spreads should be no more than four hours apart). If people are drinking, the new food should be offered at least every two hours.

Not only does food help keep people from getting too drunk too quickly, but it also gives them the energy to keep socializing well into the night, even with the alcohol in their system urging them to sleep. 

You, of course, want to be sure that you’re offering food that everyone can eat. Get clear on any allergies or food restrictions early and make sure that every offer comes with healthier snacks like chopped-up veggies or fruit.

You have no idea who’s just recently embarked on a health-focused journey; you want all your friends to be comfortable and well-fed.

Plan Activities

Summer parties are an excellent place to play games, even if you’re grown up. Things like charades can be a ton of fun, as can more physical activities like capture-the-flag.

Nothing quite brings out the kid in everyone like manhunt, and SpikeBall has become the biggest thing in parks for a reason. Plan for several activities and make sure that you have all the pieces or items needed to play the game.

However, some thrill-packing games are also worth trying, for example, playing Murder Mystery Games with your friends to experience new adventures and fun. There are many mystery kits available with costumes to make your time memorable.

But Let Things Flow

All the prep work mentioned above is only half the equation. You need to have these pieces in place, but that doesn’t mean you should force people into activities or lug the whole party along on a schedule.

Put everything in position, and then let the night unfold as it wants to unfold. People can play games or explore the snack table if they want. They can hang out near the fire and listen to music if they want. Allowing organization evolutions to take place is one of the best ways to have a wonderful night.

The above information should help you take care of your guests at your next summer shindig.

If children are attending, you also want to be sure that you have age-appropriate games and snacks available, as well as a cozy, quiet place where napping kiddos can be tucked away.