Ant-Man Director Peyton Reed

Director Peyton Reed Was Marvel’s Ant-Man… Back in the Day

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It may be a little known fact that Marvel’s Ant-Man Director, Peyton Reed, was the insect-sized superhero back in the day. Well, sort of anyways. When we visited the set back in November, he told us the story of how he always loved the character. Then, back in the 80’s, he was in a punk band and would draw up fliers to the shows. On one occasion, he “totally ripped off the cover of Avengers #1 and had the band members as characters of the Avengers.” He was Ant-Man.

Ant-Man Director Peyton Reed
©Marvel 2014

Peyton Reed

So maybe it was nothing more than a crazy fantasy Peyton Reed had back in the day, but you have to admire his passion for the character. Obviously, he was a Marvel comics “nerd” who began reading comic books from a very young age. He said that even though some kids read both Marvel and the “others,” he was strictly a Marvel guy. It’s no wonder he is now directing this very movie!

Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd)
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal © Marvel 2014

Other than the obvious, Peyton Reed mentioned that one of the things that really attracted him to the movie was the fact that Ant-Man is the only superhero in the Marvel Universe that is a parent. Did you realize that? I don’t think I ever thought about it. But really love that about the movie already! And even though they changed a few of the specifics, the relationship Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) has with his daughter, Cassie, is still definitely a large part of the movie.

Marvel Ant-Man Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas
Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal ©Marvel 2014

In fact, the relationship between Scott and his daughter is the driving force as to why Ant-Man embraces his heroic side. He is fully devoted to becoming the father he needs to be for her. To be there for her and to make the world a better place for his daughter. He is looking for redemption in her eyes.

Ant-Man Peyton Reed and Abby Ryder Fortson
This is from the Atlanta set visit! Watching them film this scene was incredible. ©Marvel 2014

Reed puts it this way, “all of the shrinking, the controlling ants, and all the sort of super heroics, but also has this really grounded domestic side.” This was what really appealed to him when it came to choosing to direct the movie.

inside Pym Technologies

As a parent, I truly think this is perfect! He also confirmed that there is great thematic between Paul and his daughter, and also Michael Douglas and his daughter, in the movie, Evangeline Lily. He went on to say,

“I think that, that, in terms of the script and the story is one of the great things. They both, Paul and Michael, are very flawed characters who have things to learn about parenting and about being there for your kids. And that I think is a different thing from a lot of the other Marvel movies.”

Plus, in addition to Ant-Man being a parent, the powers that he possesses are very different from other superheros. There will be no “superhero fatigue” during this movie! Peyton Reed made sure to stay “5 steps ahead of the audience” to ultimately provide the best entertainment for the audience, you and I. Of course, there is the interconnection found in each of the Marvel films, but this one will still have its own tone.

So what tone will you find in Ant-Man? Well, it has the “DNA of heist movie,” according to Reed. They drew inspiration from films such as Oceans 11 and the original Thomas Crown Affair. “There are a lot of things that have to be set in motion. And you have a group of characters who all have a defined function in this heist and how it plays out.”


Well, we all get to see how that heist plays out when Marvel’s Ant-Man crawls into theaters on Friday, July 17.