dreams do come true

Follow Your Dreams : Disney’s Sleeping Beauty

You better believe that with 4 daughters in the house, we have a princess or two in the mix. Most of the time, that is totally acceptable. Every little girl should be treated like a princess every and now and then, right?! As long as they realize Mommy is still the Queen.

dream more than once

Follow Your Dreams

And this queen will always encourage my princesses to follow their dreams. I tell them often that they have the whole world in their hands.

As they grow and learn, they have the ability to discover an incredible world with much to offer.

And each of them, in their own way, will leave a mark on this earth. They each simply to have to find their individual passion and reach for it.

“I’ve got the keys to the kingdom, the world is open wide.”

– Disney’s Sleeping Beauty

We all have desires as children that, often, we can base our adult life off of. The dreams I have for all 4 of my princesses, and my one prince, is the same. That they follow their dreams.

I remind them often that the “world is wide open” and they can have anything they set their mind on.

Feeding their passions any way I can, I help them continue to discover the path to find their kingdom.

dreams do come true

Think more on the lines of the classic song from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty .

As I watch the movie with my kids and we hear those lyrics, “once upon a dream,” I can ask them what that dream may be. I know at least one princess in my home who has her heart set on videography and another on business finance.

Now, my job as their mom, is to foster their love for those things that makes their heart happy.

To keep on believing so that the dream they wish will come true.

Disney's Sleeping Beauty Blu-Ray

Watch Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Diamond Edition with the princesses (and princes) in your home and ask what their dreams are.

Disney’s Ultimate Fairy Tale is coming to Digital HD for the first time and will also be available on Blu-ray™ beginning on October 7th. It is definitely a must-own for every family’s classic movie collection so order now.

Create memories that will last a lifetime with Disney’s Illustrious Sleeping Beauty.

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