The Words Fail Me // Avery has Relapsed
I don’t even know how to write the news we were given just a little while ago.
Avery has relapsed.
We are, of course, devastated. Even the Oncologist said they were blindsided by the results when they came today.
These findings are from the bone marrow biopsy they did last week. They didn’t rush the results because her blood looked fine and the Doctor wasn’t concerned with her at all.
Her Lumbar Puncture last week was clear. Blood work still looks good. Other than these biopsy results, she still looks perfectly fine.
The Doctor said it looks like they’ve caught it early again.
The good news is it’s the same cancer, it hasn’t mutated into a new kind, so she is eligible for CAR T-Cell Therapy.
She’s already been approved and Children’s is #2 in the country for this treatment.
Mom and Dad will meet the team a few times next week and then start the treatment the following week.
Right now they have to get the pain managed and get her eating so she can go home.
Another positive aspect of the treatment is it’s easier than the current therapy she’s on.
She could still need a bone marrow transplant in the future and Big Sis is her best chance at a family match.
Otherwise, we’ll be looking at strangers. Are you signed up at Be The Match? If the treatment doesn’t work, a transplant is Avery’s best chance at a cure.