What to Consider When Choosing Between Surrogacy and Adoption

What to Consider When Choosing Between Surrogacy and Adoption

Choosing between surrogacy and adoption can seem like a daunting task. But with the right information, it’s easy to make the best decision for your family.

Surrogacy is a form of adoption that uses a surrogate mother.

On the other hand, adoption is when a family chooses to adopt a child from the custody of their parents.

What to Consider When Choosing Between Surrogacy and Adoption

Choosing Between Surrogacy and Adoption

Here are some factors you should consider when choosing between surrogacy and adoption.

Your Medical History

If you have a medical history that makes you less likely to have a child of your own, then child adoption may be the best option for you.

Many people who choose a baby up for adoption have been through infertility treatments or miscarriages.

They feel ready to take on the responsibility of another human being and know what it’s like to lose a child.

Also, adoptive parents can provide an extra support system during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Additionally, intended parents should prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and practically for the adoption process.

Surrogacy agencies typically provide a structured timeline to guide intended parents, surrogate mothers, and all involved parties through surrogacy.

This timeline can help ensure all necessary steps are completed promptly and organized.

Your Financial Status

So, how much does a surrogate cost? Well, the establishment of a financially stable family unit is also very important to some people when choosing between surrogacy and adoption.

Fertility treatments are expensive, so finding a financial plan that works for both parties is key when choosing between surrogacy and adoption.

If the cost of fertility treatments is prohibitively high, or if you are on disability, both surrogacy and adoption may not be options for you because many women who choose surrogacy are already receiving support from their spouses or other family members.

Your Family

Many people are drawn to adoption due to the strong desire to have a family unit. This desire to begin a family is often more important than the actual process of having a child.

In some cases, you can only successfully become pregnant through surrogacy or adoption if your partner is also infertile. You must consider your family setting before deciding on the most favorable option.

Beyond infertility, one should reflect on personal values, emotional readiness, financial implications, legal and ethical aspects, and available support systems.

Timelines and health considerations are also crucial factors. Additionally, one should think about the child’s potential needs, whether through adoption or surrogacy, and the long-term commitment of parenthood.

Some individuals or couples may remain open to both options, allowing flexibility in their family-building journey. 

Ultimately, the choice should align with personal values and circumstances, and seeking professional guidance is advisable to make an informed decision that best suits the family’s aspirations and needs.

Your Religious Beliefs

Some people may feel that being a parent goes against their religious beliefs.

This means that no matter which option you choose for reproduction, you should research each one carefully so that you don’t violate any sets of beliefs about parenting and family.

Understanding your faith’s teachings about family and parenthood, seeking guidance from religious leaders, and assessing your religious community’s stance on adoption and surrogacy are crucial.

Reflect upon personal beliefs within your religious context and weigh ethical considerations of family-building choices.

Engaging in prayer and spiritual reflection can offer clarity while seeking support from your religious community can provide valuable insights.

Striking a balance between faith and practicality may involve complex decisions, but aligning your choices with your religious beliefs is essential for creating a family that resonates with your spiritual convictions.

Your Sexual Preferences

There are four main methods for having a baby: IVF, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF is the most popular and widely used method as it’s less invasive than many other choices.

But if you don’t want to go through many hormones or have your uterus stripped, you may want to choose another option such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

If you find that the idea of carrying a child inside your body appeals to you, then surrogacy can be a great option for you.

In some cases, ART can also be used as an alternative to IVF if you don’t have a partner who can successfully get pregnant with their sperm.

Get in touch with your partner and know what they prefer most.


Parenthood isn’t for the faint of heart. Thankfully, the process is a lot easier than it used to be, and it doesn’t necessarily have to happen in the time frame that most people expect.

If you’re considering adoption or surrogacy (or some other type of alternative) and you have questions about how it all works, it might be a good idea to find a fertility counselor near you who can answer your questions.