4 Ways to Prepare for the Birth of Your Baby While Working Full Time

Nowadays, many women choose to work right up until as close to their child’s birth as possible. This may be due to different reasons such as wanting as much maternity leave once the baby arrives as they can, or purely because they enjoy working and want to assume as normal a life as possible during their pregnancy.

4 Ways to Prepare for the Birth of Your Baby While Working Full Time

Whatever the reason, there is a lot to do to prepare for the arrival of a baby – and more so if you are still working full time.

Pack Your Bags

The best way to prepare for your baby’s birth is to pack a hospital bag with all of the things you will need for you and your new baby before and after the birth.

Pack a large hold-all and leave it near your front door, in your car, or somewhere where either you or your birthing partner can grab it quickly when the time comes to go to the hospital.

Once the baby is out, you’ll have your hands full. Finding the time for errands and shopping may be trickier by then. It’s convenient and wise to collect what you need before the baby arrives is convenient and wise. You’ll have the luxury of time and choice and can do your research on the best essentials for the little one, from baby socks for sensitive skin to chemical-free baby wipes. You can even compare notes with other moms.

For a full list of items to pack in your bag, look here.

Make a List of Contacts

Compile a list of contacts such as your partner’s work or cell phone number, the hospital’s contact details, grandparents’ numbers, midwife or doulas’ contact information, and any other people you or your partner will need to contact during or after the event.

Print off a few copies of this list and hang it at the front door, beside the landline telephone, keep copies in your car, handbag and give copies to loved ones.

If you cannot get to a phone, other people can get on the case for you if something happens.

Get Cooking

On weekends or evenings, you and your partner may want to think about stocking your freezer with lots of ready to cook meals so you won’t have to worry about cooking nutritious cuisine when you are looking after a new baby.

Look online on sites such as Pinterest for suitable dishes that can be successfully frozen and cooked from frozen. Compile a list of desirable meals and write down all of the required ingredients.

Meals that can be put into a slow cooker from frozen and cooked throughout the day are great because you aren’t always having to check for overcooking.

Remember to label the containers and date them. 

Feather Your Nest

When you reach the middle of your last pregnancy trimester, you can start to buy some essentials for your baby, such as a Moses basket, sleeping bag or blankets, nappies, wipes, toiletries, clothes, stroller, and car seat.

Look online for different items during your lunch hour at work or even think about hiring a personal baby shopper or ask a friend to get some things for you if you are super busy.

You may want to decorate a room to use as a nursery for your new arrival.

Life will be much easier if you have everything in place when you bring home your bundle of joy.