Have Tissue Ready When You Watch The Fault In Our Stars
Okay. I know. I am well past the age of teenage romance novels. But, I am standing on that “I read the books my kids are reading so I know WHAT they reading” rule here. It’s the perfect excuse for reading The Fault In Our Stars. I downloaded it on my Kindle one day and read it all. Straight through. 4 hours. Done. I could not put it down.
But what did I think about the movie?
The Fault In Our Stars
Let me just tell you this: Have tissue ready! In fact, the studio even has branded tissue packs. They know!
If you have read the book, you know the story line. You know everything that is going to happen. But I have to say, when the music is added, you can see the look on both Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus’ (Ansel Elgort) faces, yeah. You’re likely to be a goner. I know that I, for one, cannot stand to see a guy cry.
Just in case you have not read the book, let me set the movie up for you:
Hazel and Gus are two extraordinary teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them — and us – on an unforgettable journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous, given that they met and fell in love at a cancer support group.
Okay. That is the basic jist of the movie. They are teenagers. They are in a cancer support group together. They fall in love.
But it isn’t that easy. Cancer always adds an element of surprise, heartache, and pain.
“That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.” – John Green, The Fault In Our Stars
As the two develop their relationship, we are immersed into their daily challenges. Hazel’s struggle to breathe after having her lungs destroyed by the very medicine that saved her life. Gus’ one desire in the world is to simple be extraordinary. To be special. To not be forgotten.
I can assure you that he makes a lasting impression on the hearts of movie-goers with his imperfect smile and soul-searching eyes. Not only that, but he has a way of making Hazel see beyond the things she thinks to be true. To dig deeper and go further. In the end, Gus is the one who makes you stop and wonder. The one that pulls at your emotional heartstrings and demands to understand the need for suffering.
When I walked out of the theater that night I was entranced by the emotional high I was given. For me, it was the desire to matter. To be that someone to other people. Not to worry so much about changing the whole world, but at least making a difference in those around me.
“The world wasn’t made for us, we were made for the world.”
There were many laughs as the teens shared witty humor, sarcastic commentary, and humorous antics. But, there are equal amounts of tears as the story progresses… and inevitably their cancer stories as well. Through the “cancer perks” and genie wishes, they live life to the fullest in the short time they are given. You get to join their adventure for 125 minutes. So breathe it all in. Find that someone that makes your life worth living… and live.
How did the movie compare to the book?
Of course, as usual, the book goes into much more detail. The movie gets the basics all in… just not always represented the way they are laid out in the book. The creative license of the movie in no way takes away from the story though!
Learn more about the movie by liking Fault in Our Stars Movie on Facebook and following @TheFaultMovie on Twitter. It opens everywhere tomorrow, June 6th. Don’t forget the tissue! I give it a 5-tissue rating… and then some! You’re welcome.
Oh! And I have a giveaway for a movie prize pack!
BTW… the movie is rated PG-13 for a bit of language, thematic elements, and some sexuality. I took my tween (and both teens) along because she read the book and I felt she could handle it. She did. Of course, we have walked out own cancer journey with a friend of my daughter’s who passed away at age 5, as well as my mom who passed away three years ago. Her understanding of cancer and death is very real and mature. Therefore be mindful if you decide to take your children under 13. #oneparenttoanother