Teenage Acne How To Help Your Child To Deal With It In a Healthy Way

Teenage Acne: How To Help Your Child To Deal With Them In a Healthy Way

Most teenagers are familiar with the problem of pimples during puberty.

For some, this phenomenon is much more intense in the form of large inflamed acne, while others have only increased sebum secretion in the so-called “T zone” of the face, where blackheads occur.

The appearance of pimples is not a serious health problem, and apart from the possible appearance of scars, there should be no other major difficulties over time.

If your teenager is currently experiencing these issues, there are healthy and easy ways to help them out.

Teenage Acne How To Help Your Child To Deal With It In a Healthy Way

What Causes Them? 

Androgens are hormones that may play a role in the appearance of pimples. They increase at puberty in both boys and girls. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands on the skin to become larger and produce large amounts of sebum.

When it comes to recurring acne, it is important to consult a professional. Do not try to solve the problem yourself by squeezing out the pimples.

For some chronic acne problems, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in skin problems, and they can help prevent damage that will lead to the appearance of scars.

Different Ways of Treatment:


Retinoids are a group of derivatives that contain vitamin A. They are prescribed by a dermatologist.

They play a role in the renewal and growth of new skin cells and effectively reduce inflammation. They help natural skin cells fight fat.

Dermatologists recommend that they be used at night, never during the day, because they make the skin sensitive to the sun’s rays. You should be persistent with the use of retinoids. The first results are expected in about two months.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has been an extremely popular method of treating acne in the past few years. Generally, the method relies upon near-infrared wavelengths, which cause a photochemical reaction and have soothing effects on the skin.

It is regarded as a non-invasive treatment , completely safe for use on adults and younger kids. The results are visible within the first few treatments, and it is often used to treat various inflammations, gout, lymphedema, and numerous other health issues.

The success of the treatment is due to its mild yet effective appliances, and usually, the recovery depends on the acuteness of the patient’s condition, age, and genetics. 

Fruit Acids

Fruit acids are often the ingredients in many acne creams on the market. The most popular of them is certainly citric acid, which is extracted from citrus fruits (lemon, orange, pineapple).

Besides it, there is also malic and tartaric acid. All of these acids work by removing dead skin cells from the face and reducing the risk of pimples appearing. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural ingredient that you can use for pimples. This plant is naturally rich in water, so it is an excellent means of hydrating and caring for facial skin. It has a soothing effect and reduces inflammation on the skin.

This natural remedy is indispensable if you have inflamed, red, painful acne on your face. It regenerates the skin, so it is also good for removing scars and blemishes. You can apply Aloe Vera gel twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins. It is a good means of suppressing pimples because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It narrows enlarged pores and cleanses the skin. It reduces redness and skin infections. It can be used as a tonic diluted with water. You can mix it with lemon juice and put it on your face.

When you feel that it dries and the skin tightens, rinse with water.


Not so often, even antibiotics are prescribed to patients with acute acne, and this indicates there are serious and underlying issues. No worries. If your dermatologist suggests antibiotic therapy, just follow his instructions and you’ll be good to go.

Garlic, a food we all have at home, can also help you remove pimples during puberty. It is known that the smell is not great, but we cannot ignore its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

Rich in vitamins, it works by drying out pimples and reducing redness. Cut the garlic in half, then apply it to the inflamed area. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water. Avoid applying garlic to healthy skin.

Remember, acne can leave psychological scars on your child and drastically influence their self-confidence.

More important than anything mentioned above, is to give support to your teenager as they are going through a rough time. Hormonal changes in their bodies and emotions going through the roof are making the whole ordeal even more complicated.

The best advice is to talk about the issue, normalize it, and tell your child you went through the same thing. 

These issues will resolve on their own in a matter of years, and with the right treatment, you can help your child look great on time for their prom.