Happily Ever Avery // Happy 8 Months, Baby Girl!
Each “month birthday” we celebrate I am so proud because she FIGHTS to claim that month. Happy 8 months, baby girl.
Each “month birthday” we celebrate I am so proud because she FIGHTS to claim that month. Happy 8 months, baby girl.
She’s gaining weight because her appetite is good. She was given both platelets and blood. Her depleted immune system keeps her in hospital.
Our days at the hospital right now are simply focused on letting Avery be a baby. One fun bit of news is she pulled up to standing today!
For Mom & Dad it was the Mondayest Monday. The movers canceled leaving us with no help for the move to Dallas today.
After thinking about how the lines would be used over the next month, the team decided to put a temporary PICC line in her right arm.
Avery’s numbers are continuing to fall. Her ANC is 40 and her WBC is 0.1. Her numbers have completely bottomed out numbers-wise.
This sweet girl is trying her best to eat again. She had a 2 oz bottle and then 2 oz of food around lunchtime… and then it all came back up.
Her ANC took a dramatic dive today; cut in half from yesterday. For now, we continue in a holding pattern with her numbers.
Guess who’s feeling great and excited that her last dose of chemo is done for this round?! Now we head into the wait and see phase.
She started her second chemo medicine (Mitoxantrone) at 5am, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting her mood. No side effects yet.