Little toddler boy with head injury, lying in bed, tired, sleeping

What Are the Symptoms of Concussion in Children and What After-Effects Might There Be?

Concussions, commonly linked to sports-related incidents, can arise in various scenarios and impact individuals of all age groups, including children.

While adults may openly express their symptoms, young children often encounter difficulties in accurately conveying their experiences. 

As concerned individuals—be it parents, caregivers, or educators—it becomes imperative to grasp the indicators of concussions in children and remain mindful of the potential consequences they may face. 

By recognizing these signals and comprehending the long-term ramifications, we can ensure appropriate care, support, and recovery for our little ones.

Within this blog post, we will delve into the symptoms specific to childhood concussions, shedding light on the potential aftermath that may manifest.

Close portrait of little toddler boy with head injury, sitting in bed, tired, looking at camera

Symptoms of Concussion in Children

This knowledge will prove invaluable in navigating the often misunderstood realm of childhood injuries.

  1. Post-Concussion Headaches

Post-traumatic headaches are a prevalent aftermath experienced by young individuals following a concussion incident. You may wonder, how long does a headache last with a concussion ?

The intensity and duration of these headaches may vary, ranging from mild episodes to severe bouts lasting for extended periods, even weeks.

Young ones often describe these headaches as incessant pulsating or pressure within their cranial region. 

Additionally, sensitivity to light and sound may accompany the headache, hindering the child’s engagement in regular routines.

Recognizing the presence of these post-concussion headaches becomes imperative due to their profound impact on a child’s daily activities, such as concentration, sleep patterns, and involvement in educational or social endeavors. 

Most post-concussion headaches tend to fade gradually but it remains crucial to seek medical attention and provide adequate support to effectively address the child’s discomfort and pain.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting

Feelings of queasiness and episodes of vomiting are frequently encountered symptoms observed in children subsequent to experiencing a concussion.

These indications might manifest immediately following the head injury or emerge within a few hours or days. The child may encounter a sensation of unease, an unsettled stomach, and a persistent urge to vomit. 

For children, these symptoms can be notably distressing, leading to discomfort and influencing their general state of well-being.

It is noteworthy that nausea and vomiting could potentially indicate a more severe concussion or underlying complications, necessitating prompt medical intervention.

Vigilantly monitoring the child’s condition, creating a tranquil and soothing environment, and ensuring proper hydration can contribute to alleviating these symptoms.

  1. Balance Problems

Difficulties with equilibrium represent another noteworthy symptom that children may encounter in the aftermath of a concussion. The injury can disrupt the brain’s typical operations, impacting the child’s coordination and stability.

Challenges arise in maintaining fluid movements, resulting in frequent stumbling, wavering, or even falls. 

Balance-related issues may also manifest as sensations of dizziness or light-headedness. These symptoms warrant heightened concern due to the heightened likelihood of subsequent injuries or accidents.

Vigilantly monitoring the child’s balance and coordination and ensuring their safety during physical activities assumes paramount importance.

Adequate rest and gradual reintegration into everyday routines, guided by healthcare professionals, can foster the recuperative process.

  1. Blurry or Double Vision

Dual or indistinct vision represents a prevalent ocular symptom that children might encounter subsequent to a concussion.

This occurrence arises due to disruptions in the customary functioning of the visual system, resulting in challenges related to focus and the perception of objects with clarity.

Children may describe observing duplicate images of the same object (double vision) or encountering a general haziness in their visual field. 

These visual disturbances can profoundly impact a child’s day-to-day pursuits, including reading, writing, and engagement in sports or recreational endeavors.

Timely intervention remains imperative, as these symptoms possess the potential to impede the child’s academic performance and overall quality of life.

Seeking a comprehensive eye examination from a concussion-specialized optometrist or ophthalmologist can enable accurate diagnosis and effective management of visual impairments.

It remains of utmost importance for individuals in parental, caregiving, and educational roles to possess awareness regarding the symptoms of concussions in children and the potential subsequent effects they may encounter.

Among the numerous conceivable symptoms stemming from a head injury, post-concussion headaches, episodes of nausea and vomiting, balance impairments, as well as instances of dual or hazy vision, represent merely a selection. 

By accurately identifying these manifestations and promptly seeking appropriate medical intervention, one can ensure optimal care and support throughout the child’s recovery process. 

Furthermore, comprehending the plausible long-term repercussions of concussions can aid in preempting future hurdles and facilitating essential accommodations to safeguard the child’s academic and social well-being. 

By maintaining a state of informed attentiveness and adopting a proactive approach, we foster an environment that is secure and nurturing, enabling children to embark on a trajectory of healing and flourishing subsequent to experiencing a concussion.