Staying Entertained on the Road : 2014 Toyota Sienna
When was your last family road trip? How many people did you take in your vehicle? Just one vehicle? We recently took a road trip to Destin, Florida from Dallas. Approximately 1600 miles. Round trip. 8 people. 1 van. The 2014 Toyota Sienna. Staying entertained on the road was essential.
Staying Entertained
Setting out in the wee hours of the morning, we needed the girls to sleep. Luckily, there was plenty of room across the back seat for three booster seats… pillows and blankets. The teens filled in the middle seats and Colby drove as I rode in the front passenger seat. The amazing thing, was we were able to fit everything we needed for 4 days into the back of the van. Plus we could still see over the back seat. Pretty impressive.
But, the main thing to do on a 21 hour road trip is to keep the kids entertained. We were able to let the girls watch a myriad of movies when the need arose. The Dual-View Entertainment Center was exactly what we needed on the vacation. Using the remote control, the girls were able to easily start and stop their own movies. Although we did not bring a game system along, the Entertainment Center does have a split-screen mode that will play a video game or another movie.
Using the Sienna’s two sets of wireless headphones and 1 additional set we plugged into the van, the girls could watch their movies while the rest of us talked or enjoyed music. It made the long drive a bit easier on us all, for sure.
Not to mention, when the teens needed a little screen time, they could easily plug into the 120V AC power outlet and watch a movie on their small netbook. This kept the girls from having to watch their movie and gave Colby and I a bit of quiet to just talk. It was a nice 2 hours on the road.
It was a pleasurable trip and the Sienna definitely helped us arrive in comfort and style. The entertainment features on board left the kids feeling as though we were living the high life. All the luxuries of home in the back of a minivan.
Colby and I were simply thrilled to have the ability to listen to the SiriusXM Radio any chance we got. The satellite radio stations made for the ideal background noise when the kids actually all slept on the road and we could talk and sing along. Those long stretches of highway were much more enjoyable with non-stop music to keep us going. And the Touch-Screen DVD Navigation kept us headed in the right direction. It was smooth sailing all the way to Destin and back thanks to the Sienna.
What features would you use on a road trip?
Learn more about the many features of the 2014 Toyota Sienna by following myself and other bloggers through the #SiennaDiaries. Each of us will be sharing the ways you can utilize the features of the Sienna in everyday life. As well, through special trips and even a community service project for the holidays. The possibilities are endless.