How To Overcome Some Common Pet Dog Problems

How To Overcome Some Common Pet Dog Problems

Dealing with dog problems can be difficult, but there are many things you can do in order to overcome them.

This article will teach you about some of the most common dog problems and provide you with tips on how to deal with them.

Common Dog Problems

If you follow these tips, your dog should be able to lead a happy and healthy life!

How To Overcome Some Common Pet Dog Problems

Bowel Issues 

This is, unfortunately, a common issue with a lot of dogs, especially so with the Yorkshire Terrier. Whether you like it or not, your Yorkie will eventually face diarrhea which isn’t a very pleasant experience for either of you.

The best way to overcome bowel issues is, of course, prevention. A healthy diet is the best defense against any bowel problem. Make sure that your dog is getting enough exercise and not eating anything that he shouldn’t be.

If your dog does happen to get diarrhea, the first thing you should do is cut out all fatty foods and table scraps from his diet.

Stick to a simple diet of boiled chicken and rice until his bowel movements return to normal.

If diarrhea persists for more than a day or two, take him to the vet as he may need medication. 

Throwing Up

Another common problem with dogs is throwing up. If your dog is throwing up frequently, it’s important to take him to the vet to rule out any serious health problems.

There are a number of possible causes of vomiting in dogs, including eating too fast, eating spoiled food, or motion sickness.

The best course of action is to determine the reason behind the throwing up and then treat it accordingly. If your dog is throwing up because he’s eating too fast, try slowing down his food intake by using a puzzle toy or slow-feeder bowl.

For dogs that vomit due to motion sickness, avoid feeding them before car rides and consider giving them an anti-nausea medication prescribed by your vet. 

And finally, if your dog is throwing up because he ate something he shouldn’t have, keep dangerous items out of reach and supervise him when he’s outside to prevent him from getting into the trash or other potentially harmful substances.


There are a lot of reasons why dogs will start chewing things around your home.

These are the following:

  • They’re bored
  • They’re anxious
  • They’re teething 
  • They’re chewing to clean their teeth 
  • They’re chewing because they like the taste or smell

If your dog is chewing because they are bored, try giving them more toys or puzzle feeders to keep their minds challenged.

If they are anxious, provide more human interaction and positive reinforcement through treats and petting.

And if your furry friend is struggling to sleep due to anxiety, consider incorporating sleep treats into their nighttime routine.

Sleep treats based on chamomile or valerian, as seen at, can help calm and relax your dog, promoting better sleep quality. This way, your dog can feel more at ease and comfortable when it’s time to rest.

If your dog is teething, give them a frozen Kong filled with peanut butter or ice chips wrapped in a towel.

Lastly, if your dog is chewing to clean their teeth, make sure they are getting regular professional dental cleanings done as well as brushing their teeth at home daily.

Separation Anxiety

When you leave your dog home alone, do they have separation anxiety? This is a common problem that many pet owners face.

To handle this problem, get your dog used to being alone gradually. Start by leaving them alone for short periods of time, then gradually increase the amount of time they’re left alone.

Also, you should provide plenty of chew toys and bones for your dog to keep them occupied. Make sure your dog has plenty of exercise before you leave them alone.

A tired dog is a happy dog! You can even leave the television or radio on for background noise.


There are also several reasons why your dog might be barking. Maybe they’re bored, maybe they’re trying to protect you from an intruder, or maybe they’re just excited.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to figure out why your dog is barking and then take steps to stop it.

If your dog is barking because they’re bored, try giving them more toys and attention.

If they’re barking because they’re trying to protect you, try teaching them some basic obedience commands so that they know when to bark and when not to.

And if they’re just excited, try using a calming voice and body language when you interact with them.


Impulsive dogs tend to get hurt more often. They also miss out on important things in life, like learning how to greet people politely or being able to play fetch calmly.

If your dog is impulsive, consider teaching it basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. These commands will help your dog focus and listen to you.

Also, give your dog plenty of exercise. A tired dog is a good dog! Dogs with excess energy are more likely to be impulsively naughty. Dogs need predictability and routine in order to feel secure so reward them for their good behavior. 

Dogs are your best friend, so you want to make sure they have no problems living with you. Bowel issues and throwing up can be handled with diet and medication while chewing is something you need to teach them not to do.

Separation anxiety is solved by getting them used to being alone while barking and impulsivity are handled by training them well.

These will make sure your dog is healthy and on its best behavior at all times!