young parents carrying sofa into new house with kids running around them

Organize, Plan, And Prepare Your Family’s First Move

The thought of moving from your first house is intimidating. Add to this moving with a family in tow, and you might be afraid to even think about it.

Your first family move can be tricky because more individuals are moving, and each has their own preferences and habits.

This means you’ll have to deal with more concerns, needs, challenges, emotions, and desires.

Prepare Your Family’s First Move

Taking everyone’s opinion into account while planning a house relocation can be daunting for anyone.

parents planning move on laptop sitting moving boxes with young son nearby

If you have never done it before, you might have no idea of the complex negotiations it takes to organize, plan, and prepare a move. 

You and your partner might be very excited about relocating to a bigger house or another town or country, but your children might be reluctant about changing schools and leaving their friends.

Understandably the entire process worries you because you want to ensure that your family thrives in any context and environment. 

That said, don’t let the challenges intimidate you because a little bit of planning can solve them all.

You can successfully move your family without ruining your relationship with your children and partner. Countless families have done it before. 

Here are some recommendations that might help you.

Give your family time to prepare

Research shows that unhappy family members are the most common reason relocations fail.

It’s paramount to get everyone on board with the decision to move houses and committed to making it work.

Start with discussing with your partner or spouse to find out their opinion.

This means that you must respect their ideas and be equally motivated to make this step.

Getting the children to agree with the decision might take a while, but you should be patient and explain why relocating is important.

When moving with your family for the first time, time is of great essence.

Without planning and organizing each step of the process, everything will be chaotic and stress everyone in your family.

If you plan to move your family across the state or to another country, it’s essential to give them plenty of time to get accustomed to the idea and make the necessary arrangements. 

Make a list of everything you must do

After you drop the news to your family that you plan to move, make a list of the tasks you must complete before relocating.

This step might seem obvious, but it’s crucial to write down everything to ensure you’re packing up your life in the most organized possible way.

The list will also help you stay on track with the move and determine if you need to make any adjustments to the schedule.

Consult with your partner and write down everything you need to do, from finding the new house to packing your belongings and enrolling your children in school.

Create special sheets for things like changing your utilities, arranging transportation, packing your belongings, and changing your address. 

Hire moving services

Hiring a moving company is a great way to make your first family move much more straightforward.

However, there are some aspects you should focus on when hiring a service provider.

It’s a priority to compare the services from different companies to identify the one that matches your needs.

Using a platform like Sirelo can be helpful because it allows you to compare the price and quality other moving companies offer so you can hire the one that brings the greatest advantages.

Make sure you hire the moving company ahead of time because reliable service providers tend to be quite busy.

And don’t hesitate to ask them for recommendations on packing your belongings and making the process easier, as they have plenty of experience. 

If you are moving to Ottawa and the surrounding area, there are several moving companies you can count on to offer excellent service.

You may even find piano movers in Ottawa that can handle your precious instrument with care and attention.

Just make sure to check the reviews of any companies you plan on hiring, so you know which ones are more reliable.

young family packing to move into new house

Start packing early

It’s never too early to start packing when you’re moving houses.

Even if the event is a couple of months ahead, it’s wise to start packing items you no longer use, but want to have at your new house. This will make the process less daunting and help you save time. 

Once you know when you’ll be moving, sit down with your family and make a list of things you want to bring to your new house. It’ll help you align your opinions and stay organized.

Create lists for each room to ensure everything gets packed. Put essentials in separate boxes, as you’ll want to unpack them first when you arrive.

While Christmas decorations might wait for you to unpack and store them, kitchen utensils are needed from the first night. 

Each family member should get a carry-on bag to place their essential clothing, toiletries, medications, and other items they might need. 

Transfer the utilities

You need utilities no matter where you’re moving, so you should transfer everything from your water to electricity and gas.

Therefore, you must contact your current utility providers to inform them you’re moving and ask them if they offer services at your new address.

If they do not, you must research new providers and compare the offers to pick the best deal for you.

Set up new accounts for each service and establish if you prefer to make monthly or one-off payments. 

Establish with the current service providers when they should cancel your utilities to avoid paying for two households.

If you have special requirements for your utility providers, this is the moment to make them. 

Stay connected

Even if the move involves some uncertainty, you should ensure you all stay connected in the process.

Support each other and solve each problem that might arise by discussing it together and considering everyone’s opinions.

Check with your partner and children regularly to be aware of their challenges and feelings and show them you’re there for them.

Encourage everyone to express their concerns and thoughts about the relocation and share your own. 

When the tension runs high, take a break from preparing for the move and spend quality time together.

Go for a walk in the park, eat dinner at a local restaurant, or see a movie together. When you feel more relaxed, you can get back to organizing your house move. 

Organize, Plan, And Prepare Your Family’s First Move