Take Control of the Temp in Your House with Nest Learning Thermostat
The temperature of our house is a constant battle around here. I, and a couple of the girls, do not like to freeze in our own home. Colby and the older kids prefer to freeze and layer up. Fortunately, the Nest Learning Thermostat helps us to at least find a happy solution.
Nest Learning Thermostat
For me, the biggest issue is the electricity bill. I believe that when we can open the windows and let fresh air in — and save on money — we should take that route. With a large family, we already pay out enough in bills, we need to make sure we are being smart about our energy use and spending. The Nest allows you to track how much energy you’ve used so that you can then follow tips that to help conserve. You simply make an energy-saving temperature adjustment and the Nest Leaf will notify you immediately.
Not to mention, within a week of using the Nest Learning Thermostat, it will start programming itself to the temperatures your family likes. Additionally, when you travel (as we do constantly), “Auto-away mode” automatically switches to an energy-efficient temperature while you’re away. Dynamic sensors follow your activity, manage humidity, and keep an eye on the weather to best keep a comfortable climate. Using the Nest app — available on both iOs and Android — you can easily control and monitor your house temperature from anywhere.
The Nest app has been more than helpful in helping us monitor our use… especially when traveling. As I mentioned, our older kids like to keep the house a bit cooler than we prefer. So, when we leave the house, they will drop the temp. With the Nest app, we can lock the thermostat and make sure the temperature — as well as our electric bill — stays right where we want it. More control while we’re away, in addition to service reminders, notifications if something isn’t working, and warnings that your home is too hot or too cold. Everything you need to monitor your the temperature of your home in one easy-to-access place.
Installation takes less than 15 minutes and you can be ready to control your home temperature with the Nest in no time. Get connected in every room of the house with a variety of smart products from Best Buy.