How to Keep Your Home Clean… and Your Sanity Intact… With Kids
Disclosure: This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Pine-Sol. Regardless, all opinions are 100% my own.
No doubt if you have kids, you know how challenging it can be keeping your house clean. As long as they are home, there will be smudges on your walls, fingerprints on the appliances and windows, and signs of foot traffic on the floors. Luckily, Pine-Sol® can help!
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Keep Your Home Clean… with Kids
Keeping a clean house with kids in the home can be a chore and taxing on your sanity. Learn to enjoy your kids more and stress less by doing a little each day.
- Walls: Smudges can appear anywhere. Use ¼ cup of your favorite Pine-Sol® scent to 1 gallon of water. Use a sponge or rag to wipe walls from top to bottom with mixture. Rinse with clean water and finish with a dry rag.
- Floors: Kids on the move can create tiny footprints and messes. Mop dirty floors with ¼ cup Pine-Sol® diluted with a gallon of water. Use full-strength Pine-Sol® on tough stains and heavy traffic areas. Rinse with water.
- Laundry: Stains are inevitable with kids. Pre-treat laundry by using a sponge or cloth to rub full-strength Original Pine-Sol® into the stain, grease spot or dirt mark. Wash as instructed by care label.
- Toilet: Potty-training is a chore in itself. Cleaning the toilet doesn’t have to be. Pour Pine-Sol® directly onto a sponge or rag and wipe down the toilet tank, lid, seat cover and outside of the bowl. Rinse with water.
If you simply take the time to work through different areas of the home, without tackling everything at once, you can keep a bit of your sanity intact as well, Not to mention, by spreading the cleaning out over the week, you can rest assure knowing your home smells wonderfully clean with Pine-Sol every day!
Be sure to submit your own tips and check for more unique ways to use Pine-Sol.