How Long Does It Take To Install Solar Panels?
A lot of people are shocked when they find out that the solar power industry in the United States has been able to sustain a growth rate of more than 20% each year since 2018.
That is fast enough for the market to double in size every four years! In 2023, experts, predict that the solar power industry in the United States will generate more than $20.8 billion in revenue!
As more and more people get interested in solar panels, they are also wondering how long the installation process takes.
In many cases, people assume that the solar panel installation process takes much longer than it actually does.
However, this may not last forever. Considering how fast demand for solar panels is growing, installation companies may start to build up waiting lists. At that point, wait times for solar panel installation might go way up.
You might want to order installation right away if you want to keep the installation process as brief as possible. Read on to learn all about the most important things to understand about how long the solar power installation process takes!
The Steps of the Solar Installation Process
The first part of the solar installation process is speaking with an installation company. Depending on which company you choose, your timeline may differ by a significant amount.
Some companies may take much longer to even start installing your solar panels. If you call a company at a time when they happen to be especially busy, it might take you much longer to get your solar power than you expect.
Some companies also create custom solar panel designs. If you want a custom design, then it might take as long as a few weeks for your solar power company to create a design you are happy with.
Once you confirm that you want your solar power design installed, your company will need to prepare your permits. It can take several weeks for the necessary permits to come through.
Once all of that is done, the actual installation process is quite fast. Depending on how complicated your solar panel design is, your company might be able to finish installing your solar power within a single day. In other cases, it might take between 3 and 5 days.
The Estimated Timeline for Solar Energy Installation
If you are lucky, you might have your solar panels installed less than a month after you order them. In other cases, you might have to wait somewhere between 2 and 3 months.
Of course, these numbers are only rough estimates. If you do not want a custom design, then your installation process can finish faster. The easiest way to get a clearer understanding of how long it will take you to enjoy the benefits of solar power is to speak with a specific company and ask them for an estimate based on your unique circumstances.
Enjoying the Benefits of Solar
Once you finish getting solar installed, you can enjoy a wide variety of solar benefits. On top of that, solar panels start providing their benefits the very same day that your installation process finishes.
One of the biggest benefits of solar power is that it can help you decrease your dependence on power from the electrical grid. Public sources of energy have been getting more and more expensive in recent months and years.
On top of that, many experts expect that power will continue to get more expensive until international unrest around the world starts to calm down.
The more expensive power becomes, the more valuable the solar power you can generate on your own.
Of course, being able to generate your own power doesn’t just mean that you don’t have to buy power from the public grid. It also means that you will have access to power even if the power grid cannot provide it to you.
During power outages, your solar panels can continue to provide energy for your building even as your neighbors have to wait for the power grid to come back online.
Solar Power is Beneficial for Everyone
Some people who have solar panels installed on their building worry that they are somehow benefiting at the cost of everyone else. However, the exact opposite is true.
When you generate your own solar power, you decrease demand for the limited amounts of power available on the power grid.
That means that everyone else will enjoy more access to energy because of your solar panels.
In fact, if your solar panels produce more energy than you consume, the extra power will automatically go back to the power grid.
Of course, you will receive payment for any extra energy you produce. By providing extra power for everyone else, prices for energy will even decrease by a tiny amount.
Of course, producing solar power also means that you will not be generating greenhouse gasses as you consume energy. That makes solar power beneficial for the environment as well as for you and your neighbors.
Understand How Long It Takes to Install Solar Panels
Many people imagine that getting solar panels installed takes much longer than it actually does. At the same time, demand for solar panel installation is exploding at an incredible rate and it looks like it will continue to do so into the future.
As demand for solar panels increases, wait times for installation may start to increase as well.
To learn more about the latest information in solar power, finance, and more, take a look at our other articles!