Facts About Your Period Every Girl Should Know
Disclosure: I’m discussing facts about your period thanks to Playtex® Sport® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #PlaytexSportSquad.
Periods are a fact of life for us, Ladies. For most of us, they are going to happen. I say “most” because those with amenorrhea have an absence of periods. For the rest of us, it’s coming. Probably monthly. And most likely not fun at all. Make sure you’re stocked and ready with Playtex® Sport® and let’s talk facts about your period every girl should know.
Facts About Your Period
Moms, it’s important that we have “that talk” with our daughters about their periods. It can be awkward for some, but absolutely essential. Our girls need to be prepared and informed about their body and the changes it goes through. In addition to keeping the bathroom stocked with Playtex® Sport® Tampon & Liner Combo Packs, we also need to know the facts.
Average Starting Age
How old were you and your friends when you started your period? Today, the average age in the U.S. is 12. 12! My middle daughter turns 12 in December. I have a friend whose 12 year old got her first period within a month of her birthday. Some start as early as 8 years old. Typically, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If you think you have time, you don’t. Have that talk! Remind them they can stay active while on their period with Playtex® Sport® Ultra Thin Pads w/Wings. The FlexFit™ design allows the pad to move with your body and the patented technology pulls moisture away from the body and allows for more air circulation. There’s no reason to stop playing hard!
Typical Period
We all know that “typical” means anything but. My oldest daughter and I have similar patterns based on what she relays to me. With a family history of endometriosis, the cramps and menstrual flow are torture for us, especially in the early teen years. Usually, periods can be light, moderate, or heavy and the length can vary from month to month. Most periods last from 3 to 5 days; yet anywhere from 2 to 7 days is also normal.
Playtex® Sport® Tampon & Liner Combo Packs are designed for dual-form users and can give your daughter the option to choose based on her flow. Plus, with the 360°™ design and FlexFit™ technology, they move the way you move and are great tampons for swimming, biking, running or whatever your activity of choice is. Your period doesn’t have to stop you.
Average Blood Loss
Are you ready for this? Most women lose between two tablespoons and a cup each month. What? I know. Right there with you. This doesn’t seem right but it’s true! Decide which Playtex® Sport® product works best for your flow throughout your period and be sure to change accordingly. When using a tampon, you should change it every 4 to 8 hours and always use the lowest absorbency needed. Playtex® Sport® Pads should be changed before completely soaked. You will eventually learn your cycle and be better equipped at handling your period.
Okay. Do you feel better prepared to talk to your daughters? I know I am. That last fact was pretty interesting. I am still in disbelief. Alas, it does help put the girls a little more at ease… as much as possible when taking about periods.
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