Working from Home, Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds

Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds?

Your home is your sanctuary, your place to come home to after a day at work or spent with your family. It provides rest and sanctuary and is often filled with noise, life, love and laughter. It’s your pride and joy.

Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds?

Best of Both Worlds

And no wonder; because you’ve invested time, money and your dreams in creating a space that is perfect for you and your family.

Leaving it each morning to head to work is a wrench and you’d much rather be at home.

But what if you could make your home your working space too? Would that work, would those same four walls start to feel a little too over-familiar every day?

Working from home, especially when you set up on your own, is a gamble. It could go terribly wrong, but on the other hand it might just be the best decision you ever made.

In this blog, we take a look at some of the ups and downs of creating your home office.

All Yours

If there’s one thing that was true about your old office desk , it probably wasn’t exactly personal. That standard office chair, that standard office desk, that standard office laptop.

They were far from inspiring. It’s hard to get motivated about a subject you feel passionate about, such as virtual classroom lms, when you’re stuck in a drab office setting from 9 to 5.

All that’s about to change as you transform the drab to the divine. Forget Formica desks, you’re looking at a bespoke oak-topped table and a chair that’s so comfortable you won’t want to get out of it. 

Pictures of your loved ones, fresh flowers and a laptop that’s fast, responsive and doesn’t keep needing the attention of your IT guys to fix it.

You may even be tempted to ditch the office space altogether and work from the comfort of your sofa; but we strongly recommend you don’t, for two reasons.

Firstly, the physical aspect. Without proper support you’re more likely to encounter shoulder, neck and back problems.

Secondly, the mental; the transition between work and home at the end of the day is made easier when you have two very separate spaces. So creating a desk and working area is crucial to keeping you mentally and physically healthy.

Switch Over

This switching over can be something of a problem and you will need to be disciplined at closing down and walking away at the end of the day.

Get yourself into a routine. Perhaps you make a coffee half an hour before you close down, check your emails one last time and write a to-do list for the next day.

Whatever you do, create a habit that helps your brain know it’s time to stop working and transition back into your home life.

Working from home works for a lot of people, but only if they are disciplined. They must create some great boundaries that prevent them from getting burnt out and bored of spending time in the same room all day.

Create a space that works for you and allows you to feel like you’ve got the best of both worlds.