Does Your Child Need Glasses? 5 Signs to Look For
According to the CDC, as of 2016 over 36% of girls aged 6-17, and over 29% of boys in the same age group needed glasses. Obviously, it’s not uncommon for kids to need a little help seeing, whether they only need to wear them for school, or they have a prescription that requires glasses all of the time.
But, unless your child actively comes to you and suggests they’re having trouble seeing, you might not realize they need glasses at first.
That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to some of the warning signs that they might be having trouble seeing.
Whether you plan on homeschooling this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic or you’re sending your kids back to school, starting the year off on the right foot by making sure your child can see properly will make learning easier for them, and it will help them to feel more comfortable.
Signs Your Child Need Glasses
With that in mind, let’s cover five important signs to look out for that indicate your child might need glasses.
1. They Squint All the Time
One of the easiest signs to read is if your child tends to squint all of the time when they are trying to look at something. Maybe they only seem to do it when they’re reading something up close. Or, they may squint when looking at something from several feet away.
That might be a first indicator as to whether they are near-sighted or far-sighted, though they will need to undergo an eye exam to determine what vision problems they’re dealing with.
Squinting can make it easier to bring an object into focus for a short time. So, if your child squints frequently, it likely means they’re having trouble seeing things clearly without having to do it.
2. Covering One Eye
If your child frequently tilts their head to the side or covers one eye, they are likely trying to adjust the angle of what they see.
Sometimes, that simple action can make an object clearer because it allows them to look at it from a different way.
But, you shouldn’t have to cover an eye in order to be able to see clearly. If it’s something your child keeps doing, it’s a good idea to take them to an eye doctor as soon as possible.
3. Rubbing Their Eyes
When your child was a toddler, you probably noticed them rubbing their eyes whenever they got tired. But, if they’re older now and continue to rub their eyes all of the time, it could be a sign of something far beyond tiredness.
When your child rubs their eyes, it could be due to the constant strain they’re putting them under. They might not be tired, but their eyes are. Rubbing them provides a sort of temporary, soothing relief, but it typically only lasts a few moments, so you will likely see them rubbing frequently.
4. Complaining About Headaches/Pain
If your child comes to you frequently complaining that their head or eyes hurt, it’s a good sign that they could be straining to see. While you can certainly give them something to help with the pain, doing so won’t deal with the underlying root of the issue.
A simple eye exam can help to determine if their headaches are being caused by poor vision. An eye doctor can help to ensure your child gets the right prescription to fill their needs so they won’t have to struggle just to see. They will also be able to pick out a pair of glasses that they like, so they’ll be more likely to wear them.
You can check out this website for different types of glasses and styles to determine what might work best for your little one.
5. Having Trouble in School
No matter what school looks like for your child this year, it’s important to pay attention to their performance. If they are struggling to concentrate or pay attention and that doesn’t seem like them, it could be a sign that something else is going on.
Children that can’t see the blackboard or screen in school will often reside to not paying attention. As a result, they will lose focus and can start to slip when it comes to their grades and overall academic motivation.
If your child is exhibiting any of these telltale signs, the best thing you can do is to take them in for an eye exam. It can give you peace of mind knowing that glasses are an easy fix to some of these problems.
When your child can see clearly with glasses, they are more likely to do better in school, feel more comfortable, and enjoy the everyday things that they may have been struggling with before because they couldn’t see as well.